Tentative Agenda – Town Board Meeting [July 14, 2020]


  1. Minutes from June 9, 2020.
  2. Open fuel bids.
  3. Highway business.
  4. Open floor to public.
  5. Rep. Meg Kennedy updates.
  6. Garrattsville Fire Co., 2nd quarter report.
  7. Land Use Enforcement Officer report.
  8. CSC Committee updates.
  9. CDBG-updates, new projects to review.
  10. Supervisor Updates.
  11. Correspondence received.
  12. Financial Review.
  13. Budget Amendments, e.g., Appropriation Change: Increase A1910.4 (Insurance) by $455.72; Transfer from Contingent Account #A1990.4.
  14. Approve paying bills.
  15. Resolution #4 to adopt the new state schedule for disposition of records.
  16. Unsafe Buildings Law
  17. Any other old or new business.
  18. Open floor to public.
  19. Adjourn
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