- The regular monthly meeting of the New Lisbon Town Board in September will be held on Thursday, September 5th, 2013 instead of the normal date of Tuesday, September 10th, 2013.
- The New Lisbon Town Board has adopted a new Emergency Preparedness Plan. It may be viewed under Documents-Digital Filing Cabinet.
- The Town received a grant from the Preservation League of NYS and a donation from Otsego 2000. These funds were used to hire a consultant to conduct a Reconnaissance Level Historic Resources Survey of the Town of New Lisbon. This interesting document may be viewed under Documents-Digital Filing Cabinet.
- The Garrattsville Firemen’s Annual Barbeque will be on Sunday, September 1st. The New Lisbon Town Board will have an information booth set up at the event.
Round Table Brochure
Assessment Roll
The Assessment Roll for the Town of New Lisbon may be viewed at the Otsego County website using the following link: Otsego County Assessment RollsArchives