Earth Day is April 22nd. The Town of New Lisbon will recognize Earth Day by having a town wide roadside clean up effort on Saturday April 26th and Sunday April 27th. Residents are asked to pick up litter along their road or any other road in Town. The Town Clerk has large garbage bags that can be picked up at her home/office or you can use your own bags. Once the bags are full they can be left along the side of a road intersection or brought to the New Lisbon Highway Garage. Please notify the Highway Dept. (965-8287) if you leave a bag on the roadside so they will know where to do trash pickups. Any questions, contact Sue Smith at 293-8810 or Flo Loomis at 293-6627.
Round Table Brochure
Assessment Roll
The Assessment Roll for the Town of New Lisbon may be viewed at the Otsego County website using the following link: Otsego County Assessment RollsArchives